Alcohol Diseases.

Alcohol can lead to many, many diseases. These diseases could include alcoholic liver disease, cancer,  chronic pancreatitis, etc. Alcohol liver disease is a term that encompasses the liver’s manifestations of alcohol overconsumption. Chronic pancreatitis is when the there is a long-standing inflammation of the pancreas. This can alter the organ’s normal structure and the normal functions of the pancreas. THis can start as a small inflammation before growing bigger as you drink more alcohol. You can get cancer from alcohol, or increase the risk.  Increasing blood levels of estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer, as it is the sex hormone that is linked to breast cancer. People can also get head and neck cancers from drinking alcohol. You can get cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx cancer, and larynx cancer, If alcohol is consumed daily, the risk of the cancers can increase greatly.

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