
The Auschwitz was a camp that the Nazis sent the Jews, Gypsies, and other races because the Nazis didn’t like them. The Nazis were very rude, mean, and unkind to them. The people who were at the camp were tortured, and killed here.
One reason the Nazis killed the different races was because they were different. They killed some Jews by making them take carbon monoxide baths and showers. Very old and young people were killed first because they were useless to the Nazis. Some people were murdered right when they got there because they were considered useless. They were put into small rooms where they eventually ran out of oxygen.
The Auschwitz was a bad place to be back in the 1940s. Today there are some Auschwitz still here but nobody dies or gets sent there. The Auschwitz is now a museum where you can go to learn about the Nazis in the 1940s.


Best Gift Given

The best gift that I gave on Christmas day was necklace that I gave my cousin. It made me feel good to give my cousin a necklace because I usually can’t give gifts to people in my family. For me whenever I gave her that gift it made me feel special. She told me that she was very happy with the necklace that I had given her because she felt thankful and special for it. The saying “ It is better to give to receive” means that you feel a whole lot better to give somebody something than to not give somebody something and just keep your own gifts.