Alcohol Diseases.

Alcohol can lead to many, many diseases. These diseases could include alcoholic liver disease, cancer,  chronic pancreatitis, etc. Alcohol liver disease is a term that encompasses the liver’s manifestations of alcohol overconsumption. Chronic pancreatitis is when the there is a long-standing inflammation of the pancreas. This can alter the organ’s normal structure and the normal functions of the pancreas. THis can start as a small inflammation before growing bigger as you drink more alcohol. You can get cancer from alcohol, or increase the risk.  Increasing blood levels of estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer, as it is the sex hormone that is linked to breast cancer. People can also get head and neck cancers from drinking alcohol. You can get cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx cancer, and larynx cancer, If alcohol is consumed daily, the risk of the cancers can increase greatly.

FFA Blog Post.

FFA_Emblem_Feb_2015.svgFFA is an amazing association that isn’t as bad as everyone says it. Yes, we kill animals but they have a good life before they pass. Yes, we take babies away from their mothers but that’s so we have milk to think. And yes, we cut off their tails and ears but we have professionals do it. All of these makes FFA what it is. Now, I know it sounds bad but without doing this stuff, people, who aren’t vegans, wouldn’t have anything to eat and/or drink. FFA is an organization that teaches kids the importance of each other, yourself, and animals. FFA is something you will use in real life. We aren’t in FFA because we like to kill animals, we are in FFA because we care about animals. Because we care, about whether people get to eat or not. We are in it, because we get a lot of help in life from being in FFA. The article is “FFA Is Lame AF,” does say some “bad” things FFA does, but if we didn’t do those things, millions of people wouldn’t have food to eat, things to drink. Overall, FFA isn’t what everybody thinks it is. We do some “mean” things but we do it for everyone else that isn’t a vegan.ffa jacketpigfarmscowshorsesffa convention

Genius Hour Blog Post #2

Soon, Mia started helping us with stuff and joined our group. We all were setting up boxes around the schools together. The assistant principal, at the high school, gave us two boxes full of supplies we needed. We also got the papers that we needed, for them to pass out, copied and handed them out to the lower grades.

Genius Hour Project.

Since I couldn’t do my project on what I wanted to do, I grouped up with Courtney and we decided to do a project that gives back. We figured out that we would start a school supplies drive. We had Miss. Cooper help us get things started with our project. We got the title and we started to let other schools know about what was going on. We got the boxes and started to set them up around the schools.

Ecosystems at School

In our lab, in science, we observed and described how different environments, like microhabitats, in school yards. We were near the split off at the creek.My group found a lot of different environments, like microhabitats, in school yards. My group found a lot of different components like water, rock, twigs, mud, pebbles, and a lot more.



The clarinet is made by many difficult steps. First, the makers drill holes in the base of the clarinet for the tone hole keys. Next, the keys are made from silver using a modern method. The modern method is called die-casting, which means molten alloy is forced under pressure into the steel and it dies. When putting the keys onto the clarinet the keys are mounted on small pillars called posts. The keys are screwed into the posts with stainless steel hinge rods. The ends of the clarinet body are lined with corks and wax so the body parts will be able to fit together. To make a clarinet it takes a long time and is long hard process.

History of Valentine’s Day <3

The history of Valentine’s Day goes back to 1400. The day was named after the saint St. Valentine.  Emperor Claudius the 2nd decided that men with families at home made better soldiers.  Valentine would go out and marry people but he wasn’t suppose to when people found out they said that valentine needed to be put to death. Stories say that he was killed for attempting ti help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.